10 Pcs Surgical Veterinary Retractors Weitlaner Gelpi Premium Instruments

$ 175

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10 Pieces Set Includes

1. Weitlaner Retractors 4.5″ Blunt 3×4 Prong.

2.Weitlaner Retractors 5.5″ Blunt 3×4 Prong.
3. Weitlaner Retractors 6.5″ Blunt 3×4 Prong.
4. Weitlaner Retractors 7″ Blunt 3×4 Prong.
5. Gelpi Retractors 3.5″.
6. Gelpi Retractor 5.5″.
7.Gelpi Retractor 7″.
8. Automatic Cross Action Skin Retractor 4.5″ Blunt 4×4 Prongs w/ 7 Steps Ratched.
9.Green Thyroid Retractor 8.75″.
10. Cushing Vein Retractor 9″.


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